It is the third millenium. The world has changed. Climate, Nations, all were in upheaval. the Earth transformed into a poisonous, scorched dessert, known as "The Cursed Earth". The world's population has crowded into a few Megacities, where it created a voilence so powerful, the justice system could not control. Law as we knew it, colapsed. From the decay, rose a new order, a new style of justice enforcers. They were the police, jury and executioner all in one. They were, The Judges.
In the future the Judicial system (Krytocracy) has spread throughout the globe with various super-cities besides Mega City One possessing a Judge system of law enforcement and government. As such the Judicial political model has become the most common form of government on earth with only a few small areas practicing traditional civilian rule.
Judges once appointed, can be broadly characterized as [i]'street Judges'[/i] (who patrol the city), and administrative or office based judges (who teach at the Academy, or sit in formal positions).
Street Judges act as police, judge, jury and, if necessary, on-the-spot executioner. However, contrary to popular belief, Judges frecuently carry out executions, and, in general Capital punishment in Mega-City if you are in my way..
I am the law! Put down your weapons and prepare to be judged.
In the future the Judicial system (Krytocracy) has spread throughout the globe with various super-cities besides Mega City One possessing a Judge system of law enforcement and government. As such the Judicial political model has become the most common form of government on earth with only a few small areas practicing traditional civilian rule.
Judges once appointed, can be broadly characterized as [i]'street Judges'[/i] (who patrol the city), and administrative or office based judges (who teach at the Academy, or sit in formal positions).
Street Judges act as police, judge, jury and, if necessary, on-the-spot executioner. However, contrary to popular belief, Judges frecuently carry out executions, and, in general Capital punishment in Mega-City if you are in my way..
I am the law! Put down your weapons and prepare to be judged.